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Out & Safe

Emergency button for the JCC Maccabi games Israel 2023

Install “Out&Safe” App on your mobile phone

app store  google play


g play previewios preview

Permissions for the App

Out&Safe App - For safe outdoor activity

When asked fro permissions, choose:

Location: the higher possible, preferably "Allow all the time"

Battery Management: "Allow"

Auto Start: "Allow"

This App will allow you to initiate an SOS and alert your Emergency Center.

It will also help to:

  • Stay in contact while outdoors
  • Save your activities to your personal map account
  • See you group members on map
  • Receive alerts from your emergency center

 To do this we need to collect your location. Therefore you will soon be asked for permission to collect your location.

Please select "Allow all the time" option to get benefits of the functionality.

Or Click on the button [Grant Permission]


Permissions for the App

 permission 01

permission 02

Registration with JCC 2023 Code

 reg 01

Enable GPS

 gps 01

Emergency: Activating SOS


Confirmation Code - OTP

The confirmation code is 2023

Activating the app at the beginning of your trip

  1. Activate the app from your phone, the same number you registered with to the JCC
  2. If your phone number has changed, you must inform your superior.
  3. The app makes minimal use of the phone’s battery power
  4. The app works only while connected with cellular service and data (including WiFi), it will not work without reception.