Code of Conduct
What's allowed and not allowed during the program
- Drugs, Alcohol and Weapons
- Possession, consumption, and/or the purchase of drugs and/or alcohol will not be tolerated and may result in immediate dismissal. The same applies to sharing, selling or otherwise dispensing prescription medication. Moreover, it is the policy of JCC Maccabi to allow the police and justice departments of the respective countries visited to prosecute when infractions have occurred without intervention by JCC Maccabi. Purchase or possession of tobacco and marijuana products, and smoking paraphernalia, are not allowed regardless of age. This policy includes, but is not limited to, vapes, e-cigarettes, and edibles. JCC Maccabi staff members reserve the right to administer a breathalyzer test and/or search any teen’s belongings or room at any time and for any reason during the program.
- The purchase or possession of a weapon, or an item that may be construed as a weapon, is not allowed during the program, and any such items will be confiscated.
- Respect for Property
- It is expected that teens will behave responsibly and with respect regarding belongings and property throughout the program. Should property be damaged or defaced by a participant, those responsible will be held accountable for payment of damages.
- Participants shall not fight, steal, or engage in any antisocial behavior, whether intentional or otherwise.
- Tattooing and Piercings
- Such activities during the program are forbidden and may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the program. Tattooing and piercings can be unsafe in foreign countries, and any resulting medical complications would not be covered under the program’s medical insurance policy. Teens will be required to remove any piercings they acquire during the program.
- Leaving the program without authorization
- As part of our approach to safety and security, teens are not allowed to leave the supervision of the program at any time. There will be occasions for limited free time in specific controlled areas that are deemed secure by program staff. However, teens are not to leave the program at any time, for any reason, whatsoever, during the day or night. In addition, the use of Uber, Lyft and/or any other cab provider is strictly prohibited outside of JCC Maccabi approved exceptions for athletes departing the program early. Leaving the program without specific staff authorization is grounds for immediate dismissal.
- Cause for Removal
- It is our sincere hope that no one will need to be sent home from the JCC Maccabi program, and accordingly, we encourage parents and teens to discuss this matter carefully together before the start of the program. In the event of program dismissal, the parents of the dismissed teen will be solely responsible for all associated fees, including the cost of special transportation to the airport, a flight chaperone if necessary, or an airline change fee. No portion of the program fee will be refunded, and any scholarship funds awarded will need to be reimbursed in full to JCC Maccabi or the issuing agency. Given the international nature of the program, the consequences of dismissal are extremely serious, costly, and disruptive to the rest of the group. All behavioral matters will be addressed on the program through a series of steps. These steps may include a staff/teen conversation, formal warning, program probation, and ultimately, dismissal. JCC Maccabi staff members reserve the right to make decisions related to behavioral misconduct and disciplinary consequences.
- Timeliness and Cooperation with Program staff
- Participants must arrive to the program by Wednesday July 5, 2023, and depart on Tuesday July 25, 2023, when JCC Maccabi concludes, unless otherwise approved by your delegation head and JCC Association Staff.
- Behind the scenes is an intricate logistical plan which requires us to keep to an exact schedule while on the ground. Staying on schedule requires the cooperation of every teen. It means waking up in the morning on time, not wandering from the group, and respecting the overall schedule of the program. The consequence of being late is that elements of the program may be cancelled. We need every teen’s cooperation to ensure that the program can be fully experienced by all.
- Participants are expected to be willing and enthusiastic participants in all programming provided by JCC Maccabi including athletic events, Opening Ceremony, evening activities, Jewish identity programming, Shabbat activities, and all elements of the tour portion of the trip.
- Social Cohesion
- Each teen has a responsibility to treat their fellow teens with respect and decency, especially for those of the opposite sex and different sexual orientations, and refrain from inappropriate or unwanted touching and other behavior, whether physical or verbal. In addition, participants are representatives of their delegations and the JCC Maccabi movement and shall always behave in a manner that represents good sportsmanship and personal integrity. We aim to create an atmosphere where everyone on the program is made to feel welcomed and comfortable, and each teen plays a role in making this possible. These same principles apply to virtual and social platforms before, during and after the program. Posts with dirty spirit, that slander other teens, staff, volunteers, speakers/guests or from anonymous accounts that use JCC Maccabi images, logos, or the JCC Maccabi name is strictly prohibited and can serve as grounds for dismissal. Bullying, harassment, hazing, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and other detrimental and dangerous behaviors will not be tolerated. Any reported complaints are taken seriously by JCC Maccabi, and participants are encouraged to report any type of inappropriate behavior.